Monday, April 23, 2012

No news is good(-ish) news

It's been a while sonce the last post, mainly because there hasn't been much to post about - the fund is making reasonable, but not specatcular progress, as a result it has slipped from the 1% a day target.  This always seems to happen near a milestone for me (in this case making the first H$10M), I hover around just under the milestone, but once the barrier has been breached things pick up quickly again.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Maybe I should go away more often!

Coming back to the fund after a week and a half, I was dreading what had happened to it.  I was actually pleasantly surprised, nothing dramatic, but a decent steady increase in value.

All that gives a pretty reasonable graph for March, after a very bumpy start:

 And for the first week of April:

Week Percentage Gain:                +5.45%
Performane againgst 1% per day:  +H$580,000